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5 Shocking Facts Why Introverts Makes Great Entrepreneurs
Entrepreneurs often associated with extroversions, makes it sounds like the world of entrepreneurship is not suitable for introverts – which is completely wrong. There are so many successful introverted entrepreneurs because introverts have so many hidden quality. In this post, we will discuss why Introverts makes great entrepreneurs.
#1 Introverts sees long-term goals
The first thing is that introverted entrepreneurs can see long-term goals. They don’t only can see it, but they make sure they see it first before they start a business. It is a very valuable skill to have, as creating a successful business would require long-term goals, not just short-term goals. Often seen as quiet, Introverts have such a critical brain that they can see the obstacles that could appear on their plans. This makes them well-prepared to face any issues in their business.
#2 Introverts are deep thinkers and creative
Introverts are not only deep thinkers but also creative. Introverts tend to think before act. They don’t work in a rush because they have the patient to take one thing at a time. This makes most of the business that introverts created have a solid and strong foundation. Introverts are also very creative because they observe think very carefully.
#3 Introverts focus on the ‘work’ rather than the ‘talk’
Unlike extroverts who enjoy talking, introverts enjoy working behind the scenes without having the needs to tell other people about what they work on. They understand that their work will speak for itself, without them having to talk about it. This saves their energy to focus solidly on their work, which can maximize their work. Introverts enjoy doing this because they also feel less pressure to achieve what they need to achieve. Pressure is often what ruins a start-up business, and Introverts knows well how to avoid this.
#4 Introverts are good listeners but do not need external validation
What is interesting about introverts is the fact that they are good listeners, but they do not need external validation to succeed. Because they are good listeners, they are able to take into consideration what others say in their business. This makes them able to fix what they need to fix and escalate in their business. Despite being good listeners, they do not need external validation from people to think their business would be successful. They do not need stimulation from other people to thrive in their work. They enjoy working in solitude and they are self-assured, to the point that they know they will succeed, despite what people think of them.
#5 Founder of Microsoft, Google, Facebook, Amazon, and even Tesla – are all Introverted Entrepreneurs
The last shocking facts about introverts entrepreneurs is that most of the richest business owner in the world are introverts. Not just this, but also the fact that the most famous brands owner in the world are introverts. Founder of Microsoft, Bill Gates, – Google, Larry Page, – Facebook, Mark Zuckerberg, – Amazon, Jeff Benzos, and even founder of Tesla, Elon Musk – are all introverts. I know right, who would have thought! They all share the same or similar skills, which are the four points we just discussed in the previous section. They work hard behind the scene, they see long-term goals, they are deep thinkers and creative, they are good listeners without needing external validation, and last but not least, they focus on the ‘work’ rather than the ‘talk’.